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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Adventure Playground

This is one of best parks in Berkeley and perhaps in the country. According to the City of Berkeley's own website:
Adventure Playground [...] has been written up as a top 10 playground in National geographic. It was voted the Best Creative Play space in Diablo magazine. YELP has rated us 4 out of 5. We have been written about in the Chronicle, the Boston Globe and Newsweek as one of the Top 5 play spaces in the country.

So, in a sense there is little left to review. I love that the park gives kids access to tools and raw materials so they can literally help built the park. Last year my kids built a bench for one part of the playground and this week we improved a wagon and added a roof to one of the structures.

I highly recommend that first-timers read over the city's website before going. It has special hours, and you'll have to sign a waiver just to get in. The abundance of nails, raw boards, tools, and wet paint mean two things: wear old cloths and watch out if you take small children.

1 comment:

  1. This blog is making me even more homesick for Berkeley than I already was! We frequented so many of these parks, I'm missing Berkeley parks! Thanks so much for doing this blog, I have been enjoying it!
